Ideagen Disclose Introduction


About Ideagen Disclose


Ideagen Disclose intelligent questionnaire software provides the user with a simple interface to:


Answer questions using tick boxes, dates, numeric and text entries, with automatic tagging of questions as OK, alert or problem answers;

Add comments to answers;

Navigate easily between questions and sections, both forwards and backwards, with constantly updated statistics on unanswered questions, alerts, problems and comments;

Tailor the questionnaire interactively to the precise situation, removing unnecessary questions and sections;

Review unanswered questions, problem answers, alerts and comments by users;

View the unique graphical presentation of answers interactively by section;

Display question help (there is also help on using Disclose);

Report on questions and answers, with many different views.


The answer set is in two distinct sections.  The first is the tailoring section which will ask entity specific questions.  The second is the main checklist.  The main checklist section contains the disclosure requirements.  


The answers you have given in the tailoring section will determine what disclosure requirements are included in the main checklist section.  For example, if in the tailoring you have indicated that you have no investment property, there will be no disclosure requirements relating to investment property in the main checklist section.